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Kantech and Paradox national distribution channels experiencing product shortages

Posted by Marc Levesque on

 As anticipated the North American distribution channels have exhausted there inventory on many of their product lines. As many of these products are manufactured in Asia where labour and material shortages are rampant we are anticipating a two (2) month (Mid-October) backlog of popular cards and credentials and select hardware.

Ashton Security Inc., one of the larger stocking distribution dealers we still have inventory to meet our foretasted needs over the next few months. A lack of availability of product is of concern for many project and facilities managers as we move forward out of the pandemic. As larger projects commence and we move forward towards normalcy we are likely to meet challenges in availability and project completions due to hardware shortages.

Many fortune 500 companies have pre-ordered product allowing them to be place in the supply funnel on the first wave of product release in Sept/Oct. this is of concern, this may further delay access to product to the smaller businesses and local gym and retailers.

 We are continually looking at our supply chain management to keep you informed and to strenghthen our inventory to meet your needs.

Marc Levesque CET

Ashton Security Inc.


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