Keeping you safe and secure for 40 Years
CDVI CA-A360-USB CAB Centaur USB to RS-485 Converter
E-SPE-V8 (or latest version) EntraPass Special Edition
EK-400 Kantech Expansion Kit
EK-402 Kantech Expansion Kit
EK-403 Kantech Expansion Kit
ES-KTP/103SN Kantech Keypad
KAN-SHY1 BK Card Reader
KAN-USB-485 Communication Module
KAN-VC-485 Communication Module
Kantech KT-1 One Door Controller
Kantech KT-2-M KT-2 2-Door IP Controller
KT 400 Starter kit "SK-SE402" P225 readers
KT 400 Starter kit "SK-SE403" P325 readers
KT-100 Kantech Controller (Used Legacy Units)
KT-300-ACC Kantech Accessory Kit
KT-300/128K Kantech Door Controller Discontinued see our KT-2-M
KT-400 Kantech Door Controller
KT-IP I/P Link Module - Special order
KT-MOD-REL8 Expansion Module
KT-RM1 Relay Cube
P225KPW26 Kantech Proximity Reader/Keypad
P225KPXSF Kantech Proximity Reader/Keypad
P225W26 Kantech Ioprox Card Reader
P225W26OEM Kantech Proximity Reader
P225XSF Kantech Proximity Reader
P325KPW26 Kantech Proximity Reader/Keypad
P325KPXSF Kantech Proximity Reader/Keypad
P325W26 Kantech Proximity Reader
P82WLS Kantech (Qty. 1)
P82WLS-TAG Kantech Tag Qty (1) 2 Button Fob - RFID
P84WLS-TAG Kantech (Qty. 1) 4 Button Fob - RFID